The Impact of Non-Mandatory Police Reporting on Domestic Violence
In recent years, numerous countries have implemented policies aimed at reduc- ing violence against women. The majority of these measures prioritize criminal justice intervention, requiring victims to initiate a report of domestic abuse to the police. This study examines the impact of an alternative approach, wherein victims can access economic, legal, and social resources without immediately involving the criminal justice system, on intimate partner violence. Exploiting the introduction of a non-mandatory police reporting policy, I find that this policy significantly decreased the number of domestic violence cases reported to the police, driven by a reduction in intimate partner homicides and the dissolution of abusive relationships. Enabling victims to exit abusive relationships without encountering cumbersome le- gal and administrative processes appears to have a meaningful impact on preventing domestic abuse from escalating to murder.
Working paper coming soon
In recent years, numerous countries have implemented policies aimed at reduc- ing violence against women. The majority of these measures prioritize criminal justice intervention, requiring victims to initiate a report of domestic abuse to the police. This study examines the impact of an alternative approach, wherein victims can access economic, legal, and social resources without immediately involving the criminal justice system, on intimate partner violence. Exploiting the introduction of a non-mandatory police reporting policy, I find that this policy significantly decreased the number of domestic violence cases reported to the police, driven by a reduction in intimate partner homicides and the dissolution of abusive relationships. Enabling victims to exit abusive relationships without encountering cumbersome le- gal and administrative processes appears to have a meaningful impact on preventing domestic abuse from escalating to murder.
Working paper coming soon