Immigration Policies, Backlash, and School Bullying
with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
Bullying against Hispanic students has been on the rise. We examine how immigration policies perceived as granting a racial advantage, as might be the case with sanctuary policies, impact bullying. Using administrative school data, we find that sanctuary policies have contributed to increased bullying based on race, but not to bullying for other reasons, suggesting the growth may not be the sole product of increased reporting by Hispanic youth. Victimization data also reveals a rising incidence of bullying pointing to resentment against Hispanics provoking a backslash. Understanding the impact of potentially racialized immigration policies is crucial for protecting vulnerable youth
Available here
with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
Bullying against Hispanic students has been on the rise. We examine how immigration policies perceived as granting a racial advantage, as might be the case with sanctuary policies, impact bullying. Using administrative school data, we find that sanctuary policies have contributed to increased bullying based on race, but not to bullying for other reasons, suggesting the growth may not be the sole product of increased reporting by Hispanic youth. Victimization data also reveals a rising incidence of bullying pointing to resentment against Hispanics provoking a backslash. Understanding the impact of potentially racialized immigration policies is crucial for protecting vulnerable youth
Available here